Research publications

  1. "On partial information retrieval: the unconstrained 100 prisoner problem", Ivano Lodato, Snehal M. Shekatkar, and Tian An Wong, Acta Informatica (2022). (arXiv) (DOI)
  2. "Detrimental role of fluctuations in the resource dependency networks", Saumitra Kulkarni and Snehal M. Shekatkar (2022).
  3. "Effect of money heterogeneity on resource dependency in complex networks", Harshit Agrawal, Ashwin Lahorkar, and Snehal M. Shekatkar, Europhys. Lett. 139 (51003) (2022). (arXiv) (DOI)
  4. "The INDSCI-SIM model for COVID-19 in India", Dhiraj Kumar Hazra, Bhalchandra Pujari, Snehal M. Shekatkar, Farhina Mozaffer, Sitabhra Sinha, Vishwesha Guttal, Pinaki Chaudhari, and Gautam Menon, PLOS Computational Biology, 18(10), e1010632 (2022). (medRxiv)
  5. "Resource dependency and survivability in complex networks", Madhusudan Ingale and Snehal M. Shekatkar, Phys. Rev. E. 102, 062304 (2020). (arXiv) (DOI)
  6. "Multi-city modeling of epidemics using spatial networks: Application to 2019-nCov (COVID-19) coronavirus in India", Bhalchandra Pujari, and Snehal M. Shekatkar (2020). (medRxiv)
  7. "Shifts of the prime divisor function of Alladi and Erdos", SM Shekatkar, Tian An Wong, INTEGERS 20 (2020). (arXiv)
  8. "Do zealots increase or decrease the polarization in social networks?", Snehal M. Shekatkar, J. Complex Netw. 8, Issue 4 (2019). (arXiv) (DOI)
  9. "Biases in prime factorizations and Liouville functions for arithmetic progressions", Peter Humpries, Snehal M. Shekatkar, and Tian An Wong, J. Theor. Nr. Bordeaux 31, 1-25 (2019). (arXiv)
  10. "Importance of initial conditions in the polarization of complex networks", Snehal M. Shekatkar and Sukratu Barve, Europhys. Lett. 122 (38002) (2018). (arXiv) (DOI)
  11. "Detecting abnormality in heart dynamics from multifractal analysis of ECG signals", Snehal M. Shekatkar, Yamini Kotriwar, K.P. Harikrishnan, and G. Ambika, Sci. Rep. 7, 15127 (2017). (arXiv) (DOI)
  12. "A random interacting network model for complex networks", Bedartha Goswami, Snehal M. Shekatkar, Aljoscha Rheinwalt, G. Ambika, and Juergen Kurths, Sci. Rep. 5, 18183 (2015). ()
  13. "Complex networks with scale-free nature and hierarchical modularity", Snehal M. Shekatkar and G. Ambika, Eur Phys J B 88, 227 (2015). (arXiv) (DOI)
  14. "Divisibility patterns of natural numbers as a complex network", Snehal M. Shekatkar, Chandrasheel Bhagwat and G. Ambika, Sci. Rep. 5, 14280 (2015). (arXiv) (DOI)
  15. "Novel coupling scheme to control dynamics of coupled discrete systems", Snehal M. Shekatkar and G. Ambika, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simul 25, 1-3, Pages 50-65 (2015). (arXiv) (DOI)
  16. "The sum of the r'th roots of first n natural numbers and new formula for factorial", Snehal M. Shekatkar (2012).
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